
Do you know Takayama festival? It is held on every April 14th and 15th,Octorber 9th and 10th. I lived in Takayama about 16 years so I understand what was happen in this festival. I lived in Takayama city near HIE temple so our elementary school stopped our classes to go to the festival every spring's. It is ver exciting for us! About 2milion people come to this festival because this festival is the one of the three festivals in Japan what are the most beautiful!!

If you are interested in Takayama festival to read this blog, please come and see it next April 14th and 15th!! I like spring festival better than fall one because cherry blossums will bloom.

Thank you for reading!!



★☆Roman Holiday☆★

I want to introduce movies to you what I like. In fact, I do not watch movies so much. I like to watch movies but I have no time to watch movies. And I could not watch movies in my summer vacation. So I will introduce popular movie.

I want to introduce Roman Holidayto you! Do you know this movie? This movie is black-and-white film. So some people say that this movie is an illegible movie. But I do not think so. I think this movie is very beautiful and I want to visit Roma because I want to watch Roman’s scenes by myself.

The scene of this movie is on Rome about 60 years ago. Main characters are
Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. Do you know them? Audrey played the part of Anne who is the queen of a country. And Gregory played the part of Joe who is a journalist. Anne finally visited Roma in Italia. But she complained about her congested schedule. So she escaped from the castle and then, Joe and Anne met at there. Joe did not know Anne’s identity but he realized of her identity next morning because of watching TV about Anne. He wants to get a scoop about Anne at first but they fell in love gradually. But it did not come true because standing of rank. They went to The Spanish Steps and ate a jelato, went around Rome, and went to the truth of mouth!

It is a very wonderful and beautiful movie so if you have a time, please watch movie at least!!